Saturday, November 14, 2009

What in your opinion, is the best mint (or breath freshening gum) on the market?

In taste, (I like them refreshing, not like hot acid in your mouth) effectiveness, (do they make your breath smell good, or just taste nice?) Health, (are they loaded with teeth-rotting sugar?) and price (who wants an expensive mint??)

What in your opinion, is the best mint (or breath freshening gum) on the market?
Hands down the best gum I have had in a long time is Stride. (Spearmint)The flavor last a long time and it's not overpowering....and it's sugar-free (which I have to have, since I am diabetic)

Everybody whom I have given a piece of Stride gum to always goes out and buys it. And it costs less than a dollar in most stores.

Reply:I like Andes
Reply:i like the gum that has the little crunchy mint pieces in it, i think its maybe ice breakers?

but gum is really really reallyyy bad for your mouth (sugar free or not)

use mouthwash regularly, buy a small trial size one ( walmart has them) to keep in your purse, and just use that whenever you need a fresh boost :)

isotoner slippers

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