Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How does the government know how much money to print at the mint?

Article I of the US Constitution gives Congress the power "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures."

They oversee the treasury and decide how much money to print with the assistance of the US Treasury Department. This is done based upon economic forecasts, the value of the dollar verses other currencies and the need for the money. They may want to print more money to create inflation (which lowers unemployment) or limit the money to create savings.

They also print money to compensate for the money that is being constantly taken out of circulation (you trade in a ripped dollar at a bank and they destroy it and print a new one to replace it).

The Federal Bank handle fiscal policy (such as interest rates and borrowing guidelines), not monetary policy (how much to actually spend).

How does the government know how much money to print at the mint?
Depends on how much they spent that week or gonna spend on next weeks trip to Iraq for a summit meeting, vacation or many of there other needs.
Reply:they guess
Reply:The Congress and the U.S. Federal Reserve tells the mint's how much of what currency denomination to print.

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