Wednesday, May 19, 2010

If you bite into a LifeSavor's wintergreen mint, in the dark, will it make sparks? Plez answer me fast?

My husband and his mom, think that if you bite, really hard, into a Life Savor's wintergreen mint, to be specific, in the dark, it will make blue sparks. You can't even suck on it. The LifeSavor cannot touch your tongue or any wettness? Is this true?

If you bite into a LifeSavor's wintergreen mint, in the dark, will it make sparks? Plez answer me fast?
If you chew really hard on wintergreen lifesavers, you do indeed get sparks of light. This is a phenomenon called "triboluminescence" which occurs when the crystals in the candy are compressed hard and quickly, like when chewing them hard. I've done it a bunch of times 'cuz it's fun and a nifty party trick. You can suck on it all you want, getting it wet doesn't matter...though it works best while they're big.
Reply:Beechnut - Spearmint works best. We used to do this in high school. It needs to be pitch dark!!
Reply:ive seen it done. (it hurts) but stand in the mirror put it in between ur front teeth and crunch HARD....u will see something. not much but its there
Reply:yah, its a chem reaction


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